Taller de Scratch para profesores – UPV Verano

Taller de Scratch para profesores – UPV Verano

Museum of Computer Science , located at ETSINF, has arranged this event inside its Summer University UPV programme:


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Scratch Workshop which will start June 22, at the Higher Technical School of Computer (ETSINF) , is mainly addressed to Elementary and High School teachers, and it does not require specific knowledge. This workshop may be interesting for those who want to promoting awareness of the practical implementation of computer programming ranging from maths to literature. This workshop emphasizes in the learning process of computational thinking skills, applied to the approach and resolution of different problems through software development.

Topics to develop:

1.Why Scratch facilitates understanding of computer programming process.
2. Main elements of Scratch programming environment.
3. Creation and development of simple Scratch projects.
4. To interact with physical world from a Scratch programme.
5. How to share your projects with Scratch community.
6. Reworking and combining projects from Scratch community.

Limited places.

More info and enrolment HERE
