Exposición Informática y Cine: cuando los bits llegan al celuloide

Exposición Informática y Cine: cuando los bits llegan al celuloide



The Museum of Computer Science from Higher Technical School of Computer Engineering in UPV (ETSINF) has organized in collaboration with teachers María José Castro y Juan Ángel Saíz a temporary exhibition under the heading “IT and Cinema”, which will stay at School throughout May. This exhibition highlights an intimate and successful relationship that Cinema and Informatics have been developed for years.

A tour through espai.inf,exhibition area located in Hall of Building 1E from ETSINF, goes over the most popular films that enhance essential aspects of Computer Science, and it also shows to the public some computers and videogames used in movies. The exhibition has put on display an interactive space where the audience can play some of the most popular games from the 80s. In addition, a film series related with the exhibition has been scheduled.
The design of the exhibition counts with posters, fact sheets and different materials from the Museum of Computer Science. In words of Xavier Molero, the Museum’s director, from featured films “it is possible to set out and analyse in a very enjoyable way cross curricular subjects as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, planned obsolescence or electronic waste”. The exhibition was carried out together with Carlos Settier and Diego Álvarez.

If you do like cinema, IT or videogames, do not think too much we will wait for you to visit us in the ETSINF.

Exhibition: IT and Cinema
Venue: espai.inf, exhibition hall Building 1E, ETSINF
Date: From 6 to 31 May, 2013
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 9-20h

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  1. […] Informática de Valencia, nos da cinco razones por las que no hay que perderse la exposición Informática y Cine, alojada en el centro que él […]

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