“Minerva” se suma a la colección del Museo de Informática

“Minerva” se suma a la colección del Museo de Informática

Minerva peqThe Museum of Computing Science (ETSINF) latest addition is a mechanical calculator called Minerva, one of the first mechanical calculation devices will be part of a new section dedicated to adding machines. The ‘Minerva’ calculator was the most remarkable and successful Spanish adding machine. More than 70.000 machines were built from 1946 to 1969, and many of them were exported to more than 80 different countries.Fábrica de artículos mecánicos para oficina S.A. created Minerva, in Les Corts district, Barcelona. Minerva 2 peq

They were a set of mechanical calculators of manual action by digit movement, based on the variable-toothed gear or Baldwin-Odhner. With the appearance of the first electronic calculators, cheaper and newest, the company and their competitors went bankrupt. These images show the advertising campaign of these calculators.

minervaP1 minervaP2 minervaP3 minervaP4 minervaP5 (1)Fte: Balsach.com
