
RetróPolis Valencia – II edición #RPV2017

RetróPolis Valencia – II edición #RPV2017

The Higher Technical School of Computer Engineering becomes sepia-toned again to celebrate II Edition of RetróPolis Valencia, you will undertake a technological journey back to the conventional computer technology with old-time flavour. Retrópolis Week starts next Monday with guided tours through the Museum of Computer Science of UPV, there will be a lot of activities during the next May on Monday 15, Thursday 18 and...

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El Museo de Informática de la UPV sirve de modelo a un grupo de profesores de secundaria de Grecia

El Museo de Informática de la UPV sirve de modelo a un grupo de profesores de secundaria de Grecia

The Greek teachers travelled to Valencia attracted by the Museum of Computer Science from UPV. Their purpose is collecting information and also ideas in order to create their own museum in the island of Chios.   A group of teachers, responsible of the IT department in a Greek High School, travelled to Valencia this week with the main purpose of visiting the Higher Technical School...

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Ganadores de las porras sobre cálculo de peso y años de la exposición sobre historia de la informática

Ganadores de las porras sobre cálculo de peso y años de la exposición sobre historia de la informática

We already have the winners in the School sweepstakes, which were ongoing until last 22nd of December, as a part of the challenge in the didactic exhibition about History of Computing organized byMuseum of Computer Science from UPV. Last December, while the book “Un viaje a la historia de la informática” was presented and the temporary exhibition about objects related with history of computing took...

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Páginas repletas de informática y su historia

Páginas repletas de informática y su historia

Presentation of the book “Un viaje a la historia de la informática” together with a temporary exhibition and challenges for ETSINF community. Building 1G of the Higher Technical School of Computer Engineering, ETSINF, presents from Friday, 9 December “Un viaje a la historia de la informática” in the form of an exhibition, in order to present the recent publication with the same name. It is...

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Taller de Scratch para la educación secundaria y primaria

Taller de Scratch para la educación secundaria y primaria

For this summer UPV is offering different courses, among them “Scratch Workshop for Elementary and High School” from27 to 30 June, 2016. This training is addressed to Elementary and High School teachers, and it does not require specific knowledge. This workshop emphasizes the learning process of necessary skills called ‘computational thinking’ (computational thinking) applied to the approach and resolution of different problems through software development....

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Taller SensePi: experiencias sensoriales mediante la Raspberry Pi

Taller SensePi: experiencias sensoriales mediante la Raspberry Pi

Arduino platform ( is an example of the microcontroller’s potential in Maker Movement particularly, on the artistic field; however, its poor performance limits its possibilities. Raspberry Pi platform ( follows the same approach Do-it-yourself (DiY) buthere it multiplies the possibilities of reflecting interactive ideas more complex thank to its processing capabilities and also due to its HD video interfaces, audio, network connection, etc. Whorkshop main...

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Retrópolis Valencia 1º edición – Retroinformática y videojuegos clásicos

Retrópolis Valencia 1º edición – Retroinformática y videojuegos clásicos

For the third year in a row, Vera’s Campus of Universitat Politècnica de València hosted a public event focused on retro computing, with many new features at a glance. . Next Saturday 30 of April Retrópolis will start, and it will be presented in society as an event exclusively organised by the Museum of Computer Science from Higher Technical School of Computer Engineering (ETSINF), it relates in...

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La informática Valenciana en la década de los 60

La informática Valenciana en la década de los 60

If you missed the talk or exhibition about Valencian IT During the Sixties , don’t worry!The Museum of Computing Science is pleased to announce that from now on, all the conference and the exhibition will be available in the Activity section of the museum’s website. So from today onwards, you all can enjoy this information. Remember, go to the main menu of the website, tool...

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Informática valenciana en los años 60 en espai.inf | Exposición y conferencia

Valencian IT During the Sixties in espai.inf |Exhibition and Talk The Museum of Computing Science promotes an informative exhibition about Valencian IT during the sixties, it will support by two experts from this period. The Higher Technical School of Computer Engineering of UPV, ETSINF, will host the exhibition “‘Valencian IT During the Sixties’ ” in the exhibition area espai.inf, from 2 to 22 November. The initiative...

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